Friday, October 13, 2006

goodbye sunrise

Two of the many many things I already miss about NZ:



Goodbye bed

Goodbye yard

last salsa

Photos from the lat night out dancing with the ladies at Salsadrome:

Drinks at Coyote: (clockwise from top left) Brindha, me, Sarah, Brooke, Nat, Melanie

me & Sharon

At Salsadrome: me, Britta, Serena

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Salsa love and Kai in the City

I have really amazing friends here. It overwhelms me how much they say they're going to miss me, especially given how we haven't known each other long. I am s so happy that I know them and know I can count them as friends for life. I can't wait to come back and visit through the years, as having these people in my life officially makes NZ feel like another home.
I really believe, when I sift through all the other more superficial reasons, that this was exactly what I hoped to find over here. Good good people and friends that are now a part of my extended family. Or, in Maori. my whanau.

My final salsa classes were on Tuesday night, and the gang surprised me with cake and a really lovely salsa send-off. Natalie was running aorund taking video and photos of everything, and eventually my teacher Rafa joined in on the action, having me pose with various backdrops and taking his own photos. I tell you, that guy is such a character and such a joy.
Brindha was the mastermind behind the cake, and she's probably the one I'll miss most...which is saying a LOT since I'm going to miss everyone TERRIBLY. But Brindha has been my best friend here, and we both found each other after we had given up on really connecting with someone. She, luckily for the northern hemisphere, is moving to Chicago early next year, so I get to have her back!!!

Anyway, on Wednesday, 15 of us (17 once Rafa and Rosina came after their class) had dinner at my favorite restaurant, Kai in the City.
It was a joint celebration as it was Brindha's birthday that day.

Kate & I

Brindha & I

Natalie & I


Jessica & Caroline

Nat & Alastair

Fee & Nat

l-r: Sharon, Jerry, Martin, Martin's wife, Tara, and Fee

Ashley (our fantastic waitress), Kate, and I

Brindha, Brooke, and Sharon

Fee, Nat & Alastair

Me & Brindha


Jessica, Caroline, Britta, Kate, and I

Ashley & birthday cake

Rosina & Rafa (our salsa teachers)

Rosina & Nat

"Happy birthday to Brindha!":

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Nat with a message to Mike (unfortunately, you can't hear anything):

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Alastair helping to convey the message:

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Alastair using the word "antipodes":

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Nat and Alastair trying to keep the camera entertained:

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(do not delay, make haste)

Jessica eating an oyster:

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

my whanau

The best Kiwi family a girl could ask for:

(clockwise from top) John, Lauren, and Jenny McGuinness.
not pictured, but not forgotten: Reece.

The McGuinnesses had me over for dinner on Monday night. It was lovely to see them, have a good McGuinness-style home-cooked meal, and say goodbye for now.

They are an incredible, warm, generous, loving group of people. I am so lucky to count them as family now.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Good Times

The stuff that the doctor prescribed now makes me sick to my stomach. So not only am I leaking out of my left eye, I'm now spraying stuff up my nose that makes me throw my guts up.
Everyone else having a good day?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I Only Have Eyes For You

I'm about to leave to see the doctor about my blocked tear duct. AGAIN.
This is the third time I've gone to the doctor about this and I'm getting a bit fed up. Hopefully whatever she prescribes will either fix it, or perhaps I can just have surgery before I leave.
Never thought I'd be saying that.

But seriously, it's gotten ridiculous. I have a feeling she'll prescribe oral antibiotics, which is the next step before an operation. Can't we just skip to the surgery while I still have insurance?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The countdown begins

I seem to remember another time when I counted days till coming to NZ.
Now I'm counting them till coming home.

As a lot of you know, I'm leaving NZ and heading back to NYC in exactly one week.

I absolutely love this place, but the distance has proved to be too much to handle, particularly in recent weeks when dealing with family health issues.

I'm going to take as much time this week to enjoy myself (and pack), spend time with the incredible people I've met here (and pack), and post my feelings. And pack.

For now, some random images:


Spring has sprung