Awesome. NZ is keeping my memories strong:
If you're familiar with the ANZ ad campaign in NZ, then you know all about Goldstein. He's the funny-looking, bespectacled, toothy American banker sent to NZ on business. Much of his exploits include enjoying the scenery and culture of NZ instead of actually working, American-style. He is often seen on the phone with his boss back in the US (New York, perhaps?) giving updates while, at the same time, pulling the wool over his eyes.
Had jury duty this week.
On my first day, stuck in a room with 100 other people, they called the first panel of prospective jurors to be questioned for a case. They didn't call my name, but as I watched the ones called gather at the front of the room, I recognized a familiar face.
Virtually unknown here, he's a very familiar face on the other side of the world. Ran and emailed all my buddies down under.
Totally made my day. :)