Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This past weekend marked my 31st week of pregnancy, which also translates to 9 weeks left until my due date.
This past weekend we also traveled to New York - probably for the last time for a while - for our baby shower hosted by my friends Liz and Robert (and Angela, unfortunately in absentia).
The whole weekend was a whirlwind (one which I probably should have slowed down just a little bit for), but the highpoint bar none was the 3 hours we spent with family and friends at the shower. Here are some photos:


Me and Dad

Me and Toni

Liz, Robert, Me and Mike

Mike, Mom, Me, Marcia, Karen, Terry and Robyn

The Meidroths (Mike, Me, Karen, and Terry)

Maryann, Sam, and Natalia

The delicious spread
