Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Hello folks,
Sorry for the sporadic posts. I moved into the flat on Friday and contrary to what I thought, we've had no internet service.
I ordered a wireless package on Tuesday, and am salivating over it's imminent arrival.
For the time being, I've been having to go to campus to use the internet. Yeah, not so bad except I have to pay for it...which would explain why I haven't been uber-communicative.
So, I'm hoping (and please keep your fingers crossed) that I will have wireless up and running by this weekend (pretty please!), otherwise this is a significant pain in the ass.
Still haven't made any good hang-out buddies (poor me), but I'm working on it.
One thing I'll definitely admit: I was unbelievably under-prepared for how much I'd miss my friends and family. It's quite something.

Love you,

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