Friday, January 26, 2007


Okay, just a couple of weeks ago we had unseasonably warm weather for January: one day temps were even in the 70s. It was hard to enjoy because everyone just looked and felt confused and uncomfortable all day -- isn't it January???

Now, however, things have normalized. And by normalized I mean it is now the coldest day in NY in 10 years. I woke up this morning and the local news channel showed 9 degrees as the temperature.


Anything warmer than this will feel balmy in comparison, and I'm very much looking forward to it.

Stay warm!


Suzer said...

We're at about negative 10 this morning...........

And will be in Sydney in 3 weeks where it'll be about about a jump!

Claire said...

I'm so JEALOUS! I just calculated that it will have been two years without summer by the time I actually get to enjoy it.
Boy are you gonna swelter over there. :)