Mike and I were lucky enough to see a new show last night called "Passing Strange". I'd been nursing a bad cold for a few days and would have normally stayed home, but I had heard really positive things about the show (and it's not every day that you get free tickets to anything in New York) so - armed with medicine and vitamins and tissues - we went.
Dude. It was awesome.
Really, it was one of those shows that is inspiring and hilarious and poignant and friggin' fun. The music wasn't your usual Broad-WAY musical variety, but rock and roll and blues and just good. The story was touching and exciting and thoroughly relatable to anyone who's ever yearned for an adventure or tried to look elsewhere to find themselves.
And the performances were rock solid and just plain excellent. I can usually find something to nit-pick, but the thought didn't even cross my mind for the 2+ hours we spent at the Belasco.
I cannot recommend this show any more highly. If the opportunity ever arises to see it, do!
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