It was a great and overwhelming day. It was really inspiring and assuring to be surrounded by so many people committed to making a positive change in the world.
We skipped out of the Open House a bit early and headed to Adams Farm, which has a petting area where you can also feed the animals. To be honest, it sounded a lot nicer than it was. In fact, we think that the animals were so conditioned to being fed by visitors that it's messed up their natural, normal behavior. It was pretty scary to walk toward the barn and, as you open the door, all you hear is the bleating and shrieking of all the animals that know that the person walking through the door will be feeding them. Think Pavlov's dogs with squealing pigs, sheep, goats, and alpacas. They were so hyped up, in fact, that the pigs were using their snouts to try to bust out of their pens. No joke.
Me before encountering "Animal Farm"
A sweet calf who may have been as freaked out as we were.
Even the bunnies were begging for food
I kept trying to feed this baby lamb but had the hardest time as its parents would bulldoze right over it whenever I brought the food over. Mike and I had to concoct a plan to distract the older sheep so I could sneak a handful of feed to him.
This bunny escaped from its pen and was hopping all over the place.

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