A few months ago I read on my friend Nat's site about this cool organization called Kiva that helps to facilitate micro-loans to people in less fortunate countries that are trying to start or continue a small business (see her post here).
Yesterday CNN had an article about it, and I was reminded how cool an idea this is. It's not a charity per-se, as you are repaid. But it takes the idea of helping people a bit further - you see and choose exactly who you're helping, how they will put the money you lend them to use, and establish an open dialogue through commerce and philanthropy that can only enrich your perspective of the world.
Anyway, I registered yesterday and am looking forward to going through the various profiles of borrowers to see who I'd like to lend to. And if you (like me) automatically assume a lender is someone with oodles of cash, this website lets you loan amounts like $25 - and it's amazing the difference even that amount can make.
Check out Kiva!
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