Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Shout out

Got a lovely note from my friend Steven in Welly who remembered my blog after all these years. Now that I know a least one person checks it out, it's added incentive to write more. Yay!
There's this weird filtering system in my head that automatically nixes any idea I have to blog about, since "no one could really be interested in that" - so I'm trying to turn that bit off.

Here's what's been happening:
1- Yesterday - got at least one foot of snow and a small earthquake this morning.
2- Getting ready for my last Ethical Leadership class next week. Interesting turn of events: a small exercise from our instructor turned into a class donation of $125 to Kiva, which I orchestrated. We have turned that into 5 micro-loans to small business owners in Benin, the Philippines, Senegal, Nicaragua, and Sierra Leone.
3- Italian is going swimmingly, although it's getting really hard to motivate myself to go on Saturday afternoons.
4- The wedding - coming along. Sent our contract in for Heritage Prairie Farm yesterday, and are trying to find photographers. Correction: cheap photographers. Ugh.
    We've got our registries ironed out: Traveler's Joy for our honeymoon registry (who will donate a percentage to Oxfam at no additional cost to anyone) and Bed, Bath, and Beyond for the traditionalists who want to buy us stuff.
5- Going to NYC in a week and a half!!!! So excited to see everyone. :)


stevenmiratana said...

Yes please, blog more! You've really got me hooked on this. Now in the process of finding other people I know who're blogging, which is harder than I thought it'd be. xx said...

loving catching up with your doings! xo:) keep on bloggin'!