Monday, September 25, 2006


As mentioned in my last post, the girls and I (Brindha, Natalie, Fiona, and Brindha's newly-arrived friend Sharon) went skiing at the Whakapapa ski field on Mt Ruapehu a week ago.

Brindha and Sharon preparing for our big ski day

l-r: Me, Sharon, Brindha, and Sheep

Natalie practicing her moves

Not to be outdone, Brindha practicing hers

in the Whakapapa carpark. The fog in the background has not been digitally enhanced.

getting help with my boots

sometimes being a girl with a funny accent works to your advantage

me and Fee

the girls

So that's as close as any of you are getting to some "action" shots. Sorry, but we would have crushed our cameras to a pulp if we took them skiing with us. Seriously.

On our way back to the hostel after skiing. Look! We're smiling! No broken bones! And Fee even went snowboarding!

With our new buddy Michael at the hostel

Heheh. On the way home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! My pictures are on the internet! I'm like soooo famous ;) pleased ot have found yopur secret hidden side, will have to check in regularly!